Top 15 Therapeutic Health Benefits of Amber

Amber has been known to posses healing and calming properties for thousand of years.  Ancient peoples believed that it can help to treat many different medical conditions. 

Traditional medicine in China and Europe has been using powdered amber to treat various physical ailments throughout recorded history. 

Here are the top fifteen health benefits and therapeutic uses of amber and amber-based products:


    1. Wearing amber baby teething necklaces close to skin helps soothe teething babies thanks to the natural soothing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of amber.

    2. Amber helps to calm a person.

    3. Amber is known to calm the mind and amber derivatives are used in the treatment of palpitations and convulsions as amber powder.

    4. Chinese medicine uses amber powder along with other herbs in the treatment of epilepsy.

    5. Amber acid from Baltic amber is used as a food additive to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and hasten the healing of wounds.

    6. Succinic acid, as amber acid is called, is said to be effective against alcoholism, reducing the effects of excessive consumption of alcohol.

    7. Succinic acid is also known to be an antioxidant and is said to prevent aging of human cells.

    8. Amber acid stimulates the thyroid gland and regulates hormone production in the body.

    9. Massages with amber oil are best to improve blood circulation. Amber oil also penetrates deep into the skin when massaged and eases muscular pain.

    10. Applied to ulcers, carbuncles, and boils on the skin, it reduces inflammation and facilitates tissue regeneration and healing.

    11. Amber is effective in the treatment of kidney-related problems such as difficulty with urination and water retention. It is also beneficial in the case of those suffering from uterine stones.

    12. Chinese medicines that use amber are prescribed for those with circulatory problems and for those with pain in the abdomen.

    13. Amber, ginseng, and other herbs have been found to be useful in the treatment of blocked arteries, blood clots, and coronary heart disease.

    14. A few drops of amber tincture, made with vodka and crushed amber, helps to fight bacterial and viral infections.

    15. Amber helps provide relief from menstrual cramps.




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